PayDox Adaptive Case & Task Management (ACM)

PayDox Adaptive Case & Task Management system helps Case Managers, Case Workers and other Knowledge Workers to bring understanding, visibility and control to any unpredictable knowledge work having discussions, to-do lists, tasks, assignments, documents, photos, videos. Use PayDox software for any corporate project management & social or agile business process management that requires collaboration, negotiation and document reconciliation. For example, Applicant Tracking (new job applications, car loan applications or similar), Order Management, Customer Service Management (on-line help desk service), Current Event Management, Individual Task Management etc.

The system is scalable — the same single software installation can serve 5 users as well as 5000+ users. PayDox ACM provides users with a broad range of functionality including a lot of case filters, case templates, case media file folders, rules, milestones, deals, events, document reconciliations, approvals, case questions & answers, tasks, assignments, HTML forms, tags.

Use pre-installed case templates to create a new case in just one click or create a new case from the scratch without any programming. Adapt case templates to your requirements without any programming.

The system supports an unlimited hierarchy of case categories, goals, tasks & case file folders. One-screen-features provided — all main features are accessible on the single ajax-driven screen — it is convenient to work through iPad or Android tablets, just poke a finger and get results.

Just click to see some ACM process working samples: Brief description Use your desktop PC, iPad or any other tablet PC to connect PayDox Adaptive Case & Task Management.

You can connect to your PayDox web-site in your company intranet from computers of different types.

PayDox ACM one screen features:
PayDox Adaptive Case Management one screen features

How to start using PayDox Adaptive Case & Task Management

Download, install & organize your Adaptive Case Management (ACM) and Task Management system in minutes. No any initial settings or programming.

Download. Run. Works!

Free PayDox Team version includes 5 power user accounts and unlimited number of public users participating your corporate case & task management.
See the system requirements

PayDox Adaptive Case & Task Management: main features

Users can:
  • Create their own case subjects or use standard subject directory
  • Manage task / case milestone statuses: «open», «closed», «informational», «response required»
  • Set & control case milestones expiration dates
  • Assign task to responsible persons
  • Filter cases by statuses or expiration dates
  • Manage case access authorization providing task addressees, assignees list
  • Upload files into messages
  • Find messages by context, status or date range
  • Send e-mail notifications about new messages to users
  • Store closed cases in the case pattern library and use them again by one click to open new similar cases
 Improve and adapt your case templates to your specific corporate needs each time you use them — and you build up a knowledge base of corporate business processes, containing case templates with assignments, tasks, lists of responsible persons and standard documents

PayDox Adaptive Case & Task Management

PayDox Adaptive Case & Task Management: table view

Case filtering & case access control

Case messages can be addressed and can be accessible for reading:
  • to all users
  • to any group of users
  • to the single user
Use the field «Users» to provide case message addressees

Use the left menu pane to get various case messages addressing to the current user:
  • «Last entered» – new messages real-time view
  • «Open» – actual messages required to complete. Complete and close these messages
  • «Response required» – messages required to answer
  • «Expired» – open messages having expired completion date
  • «Created by me» – messages created by the current user
  • «To me» – messages addressed to the current user
 The message status can be modified by:
  • The user who created the message
  • Administrator
  • Users provided in the 1st line of the field «Users»
 A message can be modified or deleted by:
  • The user who created the message
  • Administrator

Multimedia catalogues

Corporate projects and processes always require the clearance of a large number of documents & media files. This can be drawings in various formats, photos, videos and sound files from the operational reports. Thus, the possibility to support a large number of documents and multimedia files is very important for the case management system.

These opportunities are realized in the PayDox Case Management with the multimedia catalogues, which you can connect to any case or even single task by one click. Multimedia catalogue allows to upload any number of documents and multimedia files into the case, download and view documents, play video and sound files, view photos in a slide show mode, create subdirectories, create a description for files and directories. Access to the files in the multimedia catalogue is available only to the participants of the respective case. Thus, all the information on each corporate project can be organized and presented in an appropriate case.

Multimedia catalogues for Adaptive Case Management

Programmable rules

Programmable rules provide the possibility to set the execution order of the whole case. You can assign rules to automatically change assignment and task execution status depending on the status of other tasks, thus you can specify the sequence of execution of task for the whole case. Automatic rules work recursively, i.e. change of some task status can run on the rules associated with this task and the process of rule execution will continue.

  If changing tasks are visible on the screen (that is, the folder in which they are located opened in the message list), then the process of changing the task statuses are displayed on the screen visually in the real-time pop-up hints. Clicking on the pop-up hint you can open a window with information on what kind of rule is currently worked.
Programmable rules for Adaptive Case Management

How to create a case containing other cases

Provide any HTTP-link to any other case located on other web-site and powered by the PayDox Adaptive Case & Task Management
Click the Case ID to open some case and provide this link in the HTTP-link field on the other PayDox Adaptive Case & Task Management web-site
How to create a case containing other cases

 Remote case will be shown directly under the message containing the link to this remote case

This possibility to join various cases is useful to provide the interoperability between any communicating parties – contractors, business partners etc.

How to create a case containing other cases

How to build the PayDox Adaptive Case & Task Management into your web-site to inform your customers about their order status

To build the PayDox Adaptive Case & Task Management into your web-site to inform your customers about their order status just place this simple HTML-code on your web-page – and your customers will track their order status on this web-page directly from your installation of the PayDox Adaptive Case & Task Management.

To get the order status information your customers have to input their case ID – please provide this case ID to your customers. You can create any cases to inform your customers, applicants or business partners

  Replace in above HTML-text the context with your PayDox installation URL-address

Click this link to see how the PayDox Adaptive Case & Task Management will be viewed on your web-page. View the source text of this page to see how to build PayDox Adaptive Case & Task Management into your web-site

How to build a case into your web-page to provide the possibility to discuss the page materials or to public user comments and messages

To build a case into your web-page to provide the possibility to discuss the page materials just place this simple HTML-code on your web-page:
Replace in above HTML-text the context with your PayDox installation URL-address
Replace in above HTML-text the context Movies/How to train your dragon with your category and/or the web-page material name
Replace in above HTML-text the context Discussion with your title, for example, «Comments» or «Tasks»

Tight integration between Adaptive Case & Task Management and Business Process Management

The business process management functionality PayDox AJAX-BPM and PayDox ACM are tightly integrated.
You can create cases inside any business process activity and you can easily link business processes from any case

Such tight integration provides agility and flexibility to the business process management functionality

Business Process Management + Adaptive Case & Task Management = Collaborative Business Process Management

See now how it works

Tight integration between Adaptive Case & Task Management and Business Process Management

 PayDox Adaptive Case & Task Management (ACM) is an out-of-the-box software that can be used immediatelly. Installation in minutes.
PayDox ACM is a web-application — try it now on this PayDox web-site. Or download PayDox Adaptive Case & Task Management software, install it in minutes and use it on your computer
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